Tuesday, October 25


I had go to movie yesterday and Sunday. The movie sounds nice! 1911, the 100th of movies of Jackie Chan. The war of the China of Sun Yat-San, I love to watch it so much. It was cool and meaningful. And, the real steel I had watched too. So damn COOL! what a cool movie I haven't watched before. hohoho.. I thought yesterday i can watched The thing. LOL! One of my friend doesn't look like 18 age, oh god! what a noob ticket checker, bullshit her! caught him for? you don't want to earn that money? oosuuh! What the F' of her. LMAO. She makes me speechless so much. That is what I had a movie day yesterday. x)

Wednesday, October 5

Boring SCHOOL day

PMR week now. Not my matter also, but why am i have to go to school? Arrsghh!!
Going back soon my Malacca's friends :) Wish i can meet all of you at there, I miss my friends :)
Watched 白蛇传说, Nice! :D Sorry, don't know what to write today :) Have a NICE day!

Wang Leehom's new album :)


不斷前進的創作力 樂戰樂勇的挑戰力
音樂是他的火力與動力開創新的音樂概念Chinked-out、結合音樂、環保、文化等議題….MUSIC-MAN 王力宏永遠充滿音樂能量,用音樂創造奇蹟!

文化是武器 埋在每根神經 被優人神鼓打醒
絕不允許失敗 勝利不必等待 因為 MUSIC-MAN 的到來


一年一年又一年 飛逝僅在一轉眼
唯一永遠不改變 是不停地改變
我不像從前的自己 你也有點不像你
但在我眼中你的笑 依然的美麗

真是的,真会让人疯狂的力宏 :) 加油! 永远支持你!

Sunday, October 2

母校的 廖副校长荣休 :)

我们的廖副校长, 最近好吗? 在您退休的时候我没出席, 如果出席您应该也不认得我吧 :)
相信您现在一定跟老公渡蜜月去了, 哈哈 怎么想都想不到时间真的好像眨一眼就过去了, 不知不觉我毕业了4年了, 时间真的过得好快.. 在这4年里我很想念您和老师们 :)

不知道如何写好,廖副校长.. 祝身体健康,快快乐乐的过着退休后的幸福生活吧 :)
您真的是一个好老师!! 谢谢您这些年来的教导, 真的非常的感谢您 :D



Saturday night

I really don't know what a beautiful night now. Aw! It was sweet and warm, this feels are romamtic. Seems like in movie, thinking of the person is me, like acting cute at there, the boy hug me and just say i love u. Really sweet sweet words :) doesn't matter, althought is just a dream. I have a nice dream tonight, wish it will continuosly to.. Good night my friends, sweetDreams!!