Tuesday, July 20

now i just want you to forgive me...
i will be sad you're sick...
however, you don't know...
when you're not happy, i'm also not happy...
hope you will forgive me...
if you don't forgive me, mean you don't let me to get rid of my mistakes...
i believe ! i can do it !

started from now Love you no matter how tough it...
I will adhere...
because i love you no reason...
as long as through the hard...
maybe finally i'll be happy..
if it is true...
i think this is worth a hard...

you ..my Baobei...

「十八般武艺」 ↖(^ω^)↗

对有些人而言   有时

能遇见一个对的人  过着简单平凡的一生  是最难得的幸福

把握当下  珍惜彼此

每一次窝心的温暖每一次触目所及的美好… 这就是幸福 

独门绝学开门首招   甜蜜爱情真实幸福七件事
柴米油盐酱醋茶    ♥